Stau voraus: Die Brennerautobahn (A13) steht in den kommenden Jahren vor umfangreichen Bauarbeiten, die bis 2030 andauern.
PMM celebrates Sonja Urban, soon 20 years of professional experience in the food sector and now exactly 5 years active at Paul M. Müller in the area of quality assurance - or better "quality management", says Urban, "because the challenges are so extensive. We therefore work closely with other colleagues in the quality department, including purchasing," adds our jubilarian. "We check exactly what goods are coming in." Of course, as we all know, it's not only profit that lies in purchasing, but above all quality. "That's our top priority. We are happy to have such dedicated employees in the company and look forward to the next five years," congratulates PMM CFO Thomas Schneidawind.