Smartening arena

There's constant news in the food industry that you should know about. Here they are:
Celebrations should be celebrated as they fall: Today is International Italian Cuisine Day - and we're here because we love dolce vita.
ADRIA - that sounds like sun, summer and sea. ADRIA - but also top food with high reliability, good taste and always new ideas.
Off to the year 2023 and with it to the Veganuary. What's behind it? Veganuary is a campaign that has been motivating people to eat vegan in January since 2014.
Get to know all sides of an exciting industry: whether for 35 years, for five years or in the first days. At Paul M. Müller, anything is possible. We congratulate the jubilarians.
The year was difficult, it can only get better. We are ready for 2023 and start confidently and optimistically!
Rolf Habben Jansen, head of the Hamburg shipping line Hapag-Lloyd, believes that the situation in the global container shipping industry, which has been thrown into disarray by the Corona pandemic, is visibly returning to normal.

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