Toll increase: Interview with Rainer Hautz

The truck toll is going up - as early as December 1. There are no pre-Christmas presents for haulage companies from the German government. E-trucks are exempt from the toll for the time being. Are they an alternative?

"No", says Rainer Hautz, at the NORDFROSTGmbH & Co. KG in Hamburg responsible for dry goods and container logistics. "The Infrastructure is missing, the Performance of the batteries is not compatible with the modalities that we receive and have to work through." And: "You can move an e-truck in local transport, for example if it is stationed in Munich and drives in and around Munich - maximum 200 to 250 kilometers per day. In the Drop shipment others prevail Relationsyou must 600, 700, 800 Kilometers map."

You can read the entire interview in our current market report or (just like many other exciting interviews) here. 

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