Smartening arena

There's constant news in the food industry that you should know about. Here they are:
Last week, we welcomed our long-standing Hanseatic trading partner and one of our tuna suppliers from Ghana.
Traffic jams ahead: The Brenner highway (A13) is facing extensive construction work in the coming years, which will last until 2030.
Cans are practical and (in our view, together with the pouch) the simplest, best and healthiest choice in the convenience sector. A great example: our peperonata from ADRIA.
We have received information from southern Italy for the tomato year 2025 that we would like to share with you.
They're here: our new Food News! 🚚 Burner - what's going on? 🍍Pineapple - what about the price? 🥫 BPA ban - what now?
Everything at a glance: Regulation (EU) 2024/3190 has been in force since January 20, 2025: We have summarized all the background, deadlines and limit values you need to know now with regard to BPA.

HIer's the
Paul M. Müller

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