Smartening arena

There's constant news in the food industry that you should know about. Here they are:
Strong heat, little rain - the consequences of this unfavorable combination can be clearly seen in the recently ended summer harvest of pineapples in Asia.
It's that time again! Our new market report is published today. We have researched, talked to experts, interviewed exciting personalities and packed all relevant industry news into our FOOD NEWS.
Very funny - so molto divertente. That's how Isabella Di Pinto, who works in logistics with us, describes herself. And it's true: Working with her is always fun. Here she introduces herself in more detail.
For those of you who want to help celebrate today's "fried corn cookie day" (no kidding - the day really exists), we have the perfect recipe ready on our website.
We proudly present: Our AVANTI tuna flakes in sunflower oil - a small but fine addition from our Paul M. Müller Markenmacher workshop.
Save the date! Our new market report will be published in a few days. What's inside? All the top news about our brands, facts and figures, and exciting interviews.

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you can reach us Monday - Friday from 7:30 - 17:00.