Smartening arena

There's constant news in the food industry that you should know about. Here they are:
It has been just under 100 days since the VAT on food in restaurants was increased from 7 to 19 percent. We spoke to Dr. Thomas Geppert about this topic.
Who has already discovered our latest food news in their e-mail inbox? They are packed with updates on tomatoes, pineapples and canned fruit.
Proven models, current developments and the future - Diana Uschkoreit, Managing Director of BellandVision, keeps an eye on all of this.
Who's celebrating the power of pulses with us - in keeping with today's Healthy Eating Day? Beans, chickpeas and the like are not only super tasty and versatile....
February is harvest time - at least when it comes to artichokes. They are currently being harvested in Spain, Peru and Egypt. That's why the tender artichoke hearts are our product of the month.
Happy Chinese New Year! Last Saturday was probably the most important Chinese holiday. In keeping with this, we are taking a virtual trip to China today.

HIer's the
Paul M. Müller

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